The Musical Comedy Guide Showcase is a free daily hour-long compilation of the best musical comedy at this year's Edinburgh Festival. Come along each evening to see a hand-picked selection of live comedy using music – funny songs, satirical parodies and more...
- Sunday 5th August - hosted by the snazzy Katie Pritchard, bringing us guest slots from musical comedy godfather Mitch Benn, artiste Harriet Braine, song-ruiner Friz Frizzle and banger David Hoare.
- Monday 6th August - hosted by rap duo Andy Quirk and Anna J, introducing guests songstress Tamar Broadbent, muso Archie Henderson, witty Bennet Kavanagh and punmaster Darren Walsh.
- Tuesday 7th August - hosted by George Rigden, introducing guests urban poet Wisebowm, artiste Harriet Braine, masked Jez Brown, and Chortle best music award winners Flo & Joan!
- Wednesday 8th August - hosted by Tamar Broadbent, and guests adulting singer Tash York, singalonger Pat Cahill, the characters of Cassie Atkinson and rocker Christian Reilly.
- Thursday 9th August - hosted by Dragprov Revue, with guests punster Jamie D'Souza, Lorna Shaw as character Ava Rage, powerpointing Andy Onions and witty Bennet Kavanagh.
Acts and performers! You can apply to be part of the show here.